Are you ready for a change in your life but not sure how or where to begin?
Are you going through a transition and looking for clarity?
Do you feel that your life could be so much more, but are just not sure how to tap into it?
Are you yearning to feel more aligned with the creative flow of life but haven’t been able to find your way to connect yet?
Are you wanting to dive deeper into your journey of self-discovery and personal connection and are looking for the tools that can take you there?
The 21 Day Awakening Journey is a powerful 3 week course that will help you define and come into alignment with the life you want!
In this live, online course we will come together once a week to participate in powerful breathwork sessions, review our homework from the previous week, ask questions, and share our experiences.
Before our first online session, you will receive your pre-course material which will include reading materials, videos, and a breathwork recording to get you prepared for the course.
Week 1: The Initiation Phase is about discovering “What is the life I want to be living?”
Week 2: The Awakening Phase is about, “Now that I know more about the life I want, how do I create it?”
Week 3: The Transformation Phase is where we will dive deep into our journey and connect with higher levels of vibration that will lead us into our transformation and put us on the track of our new life.
We will come together a final time 1 week later to share our experiences and ask any remaining questions. So although this is called, “The 21 Day Awakening Journey” your course will actually be 5 weeks long, (1 week of pre-course material, 3 weeks of the program, and 1 final meeting a week later).
Plus! all of the material in the course is yours to keep, so you may use the breathwork recordings regularly and revisit the course material whenever you like.